Monday, 26 September 2011

The answer to the blogs title in summary

The Ordinariate is a structure within the Roman Catholic church that allows Anglicans who oppose women in the episcopate and as clergy to hold services from the Roman Missal and Anglican orders of service.

It was devised and approved by the Roman Catholic Church of England and Wales with consultation to the papacy.

Its origins are in the Forward in Faith and Cursillo groups within the Church of England amongst others. A mass reading sheet that some use is teh Redemptorist Mass sheet derived from teh Jerusalem (and now New Jerusalem) Bible. Other bibles that are used include the Authoirsed or King James Bible.

The use of the Roman Missal has occurred in some CofE churches since teh 1970s following on from Vatican II and teh translation of the Vulgate into the vernacular.

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